I'd like to make a point about PORTAL 1 today.
I've started playing it when buying the new Orange box as many of you surely did. And I went through the game having much fun for 4/5 hours but then nothing. I tried the avanced map wich are 6 maps of the game remixed to be a bit harder. And a bit weird sometimes so not much fun in the end. But still it is a game you can't forget.
And I know most of my friends played the game this way !
But long ago going in a local oraganised LAN I was so fed up that people played counter-strike all day long that me and a friend started playing PORTAL 1 in the middle of the day. (Marv Lap1 was present this day ;) My friend told me : Hey ! Ever tried the CHALLENGE maps ?
Since the avanced maps didn't give me anything to dream on it was true that I didn't even tried them.
So he started showing me what it was really all about.
To explain shortly you have the 6 individual maps with challenge attached to it. Look at this picture:
Yes it's this screen that give you the real game in the end. Many people didn't even tried it myself included. But you have to by exemple finish one map with 10 portals. Wich gives you the first bronze medal (next medals are hidden wich is great when you dicover the next goal) And it goes decrescendo to reach by exemple 4 portals to have the gold.
Wich leads to many surprise of how the HELL you can finish the map with less steps less time or less portals.
It will makes you find inside yourself techniques that was totally not needed in the main solo game.
I started playing that challenges again this days cause it still not is over. You'll need so much time compared to the max 6 hours of the main adventure. For now I finished the first 3 maps all in gold and I get the all bronze achievement.
So my question to all you gamers and then probably possessing the first Portal.
Did you tried the challenges map ? And if no you definatly should.