
Saturday, April 9, 2011


I guess all of you know the Fallout serie. Everytime you talk about it with gamers it reminds of our own childhood mostly for the first and second opus.

To me it was hell. Every time I tried it I failed. It was long ago I don't really know the reasons anymore. 
I remind going too fast to the last zone, running out of time. I even guess that time thing always worried me too much. So basically only fails and I forgot about the game.

But some years ago a friend of mine told me : "Hey you should try boosting Agility"
I tried and yeah it wasn't much a talent I would upgrade in the beggining. Here it changed my game and I managed to finish quickly. Because yes Fallout 1 is short but really good.

And has all of you probably knows it leads to something huge :)


  1. I played Fallout 3 first and thought one day what were the first two, i looked them up and what the hell, were did all this come from!

  2. Glad you wrote about this! I have been thinking about playing the first two fallouts.

  3. Wow, it looks very different than the 3. I only played New Vegas.

  4. Fallout is one of my favorite post-apocalyptic stories, nice stuff!

  5. Great series! its a shame most of the people who have played the newer ones have never touched the old ones, I love seeing articles of games I played as a kid. found a copy of myst3 today at a store in town. was so excited!Anyway, great blog!

    -- the guys over at:

  6. I never really played Fallout but this makes it look more interesting than I first thought. +Following

  7. I'd like to play this

  8. I played fallout 2, 3 and NV. 2 was creative but it felt like you couldn't do much unless you hacked your stats to max because you had to spend so many in combat to stay alive. Three was awesome, New Vegas is in its case unfinished. Crappy buggy game should have never been released.

  9. This brings back so many frustrating memories, fun game but I was in the same boat as you.

  10. Enjoyed the hell out of Fallout 3 and NV but never played any of the earlier ones. Might have to give this or the second one a try. Pretty graphics are great but some of these old games are fantastic.

  11. UGH. Tried to play this awhile back for nostalgic purposes. Had a 90% chance to hit with a hand gun. Missed 10 times in a row. Died. Uninstalled it. There was a lot of rage.

  12. I'll stick to the new ones, for now.

  13. I've only played the third one, and it looks nothing like this obviously. Interesting

  14. First Fallout I played was 3. Loved it, but I admit I never even thought about the fact there must be a Fallout 1 and 2... I need to pick these up and have a play through when I get the time.

  15. I have wanted to play the first two fallouts, but only in the hope that they are better than 3 :/

  16. Yes! it was a very good game :P

  17. wow old fallout was amazing the main mission of this game was find the water right? awesome

  18. Dunno why, but i never liked that game -.- Follow

  19. Love the storyline. played 3. not sure if i want to upgrade in cae i don't like it

  20. i loved fallout, but i loved playing with character editors, i had a 16 yo heroine that could one punch anything in the game lol.

  21. Haven't played any of them yet sadly, need some $$ or a friend to borrow it from. They look great though.

  22. Love Fallout, the maps are huge

  23. My friend actually was telling me about Fallout 1 and 2 after we had both been playing 3 and I was surprised, I was expecting an Elder Scrolls where the previous games were just crappy versions of the new one. I believe Fallout 1 and 2 are on GOG, and if I'm remembering that right you should mention it in your post :]

  24. nice post, I really like fallout

  25. Fallout 2 is just such a huge improvement in every area that I can't go back to playing first game

  26. Fallout? What's fallout? Never heard of it.

  27. I really want to play Fallout 1 & 2 before I play 3... seeing as I bought the 3rd installment first. ONE DAY! :D btw cool gaming blog, I'm following! ;3

    I has 1 too:

  28. My friend is obsessed with this game. I've only played fallout 2 and it was fun.

  29. I would like to give this game a shot. ;)

  30. I love Fallout! I was growing up with this game, it's epic.

  31. I am a huge fan of Fallout. I love your stuff, man!
