
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Science and Industry.

Since this blog is about my video game career I have to say that I've been and still am world champion of this Half life 1 mod: SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY.

The main purpose of this mod is to make more money then the rival company. To do that you must have more scientists working for you. So basically it's a capture the flag with humans as a flag. My role in the team is to attack so I do capture them.

But it doesn't stop there. Many things changes the course of the game and each map has his own specialities but the most interesting is the vote system. You start with only a briefcase and a gun to defend yourself. But the scientist are actually making reaserch for the team so every reaserch round there's a vote. The result of that vote leads to the next technology. It can go from new guns to new legs to go faster, jump modules, armor, and even upgrading the cofee strenght to make scientists work faster. It changes the whole strategyt at every game.

We still play on every sunday evening where there's a semi organised match taking place. This is an under appreciated mod but the fact is the community is made of the best elite of gamers. We even had 2 of the speedrunner from half life 1 playing.

No need to say you have to try it.


  1. never even heard of that before. sounds awesome!

  2. Looks pretty good. I wonder if someone will come out with a HalfLife 2 version.

  3. I never really got into HL:1. I loved the second game. The physics engine was groundbreaking at the time.

  4. I only played HL:1 once or twice, and never tried HL2. Never heard of this game though, might need to try 'er out.

  5. This looks cool. I cant see a link though =0. My google-fu us week though so i couldnt find it that way.
    Following for updates, love if you'd reply to my blog =p

  6. I've never heard of this, looks pretty interesting.

  7. The half life 2 version won't be as good as this one believe me ;)

  8. Sounds fun, will have to give it a try.

  9. So long since I played half life the last time. This brings back some memories.

  10. Looks fun I'll try it

  11. i miss that game, I have to re download it. My favorite part of the game was throwing radios to distract the scientists, and making a flesh eating virus. I was hoping that they would remake it for half life 2.

  12. Mate we should play together sometimes. Nice to see that someone know that great mod who doesn't get old !

  13. All I think of is halflife when looking at the screenshots

  14. Nice i love old HL mods, how big is the community?

  15. I've never played it....looks interesting though.

  16. Unfortunately, Ive only played half life on consoles. Never experienced any of the mods. Something I need to change I think!

  17. never played this game, but it looks good

  18. will definitely check it out

  19. Is that GMAN? I'm not down with the HL series...

  20. Interesting mod, but I seek a more solitary experience in my PC games so I'm afraid there isn't much for me unless there's bots.

  21. Oh wow, thats a pretty cool mod. I might just half to locate my copy of half life again to try it out.

  22. That actually looks like a lot of fun. I feel so bad for scientists in video games and movies. It seems they are always tossed around, haha. I guess that is what they get for being smart.
